HSE Local Health Offices
Your Local Health Office is your entry point to health and personal social services, where you can access a wide range of community health and personal social services. Services accessed through the Local Health Office and from Health Centres include general practitioner services, public health... -
HSE Community Drugs Schemes Dublin Contact List
IMPORTANT UPDATE: High Tech, LTI and DPS registrations/queries have been centralised to PCRS in Dublin. More details are available here. Last updated: 16th June 2017 Top tip: All numbers listed below are clickable on your smartphone, so you can ring them directly by simply tapping on them ;) High-... -
HSE Liaison Pharmacists
LAST UPDATE: 27/02/2018 These folks are your colleagues in the HSE and can be hugely helpful on a wide range of subjects, so don't be afraid to get in touch with them. Top tip: All numbers listed below are clickable on your smartphone, so you can ring them directly by simply tapping on them ;) AREA... -
Diabetes Wall Charts
Click on the links below to view the relevant diabetes charts: Blood Glucose Device Wall Chart Insulin Pen Wall Chart Insulin Pump Wall Chart Insulin Wall Chart Non Insulin Medication Wall Chart -
High-Tech Ordering
Allphar (01-4688456) Decapeptyl Norditropin Teysuno Somatuline Autogel Opsumit Norditropin Tracleer (both strenghts) Colobreathe Uniphar (01-4687501) Tamiflu Cellcept Humira Xeloda Tarceva Pulmozyme Synagis Mircera Zemplar Gonal-F Cetrotide Colomycin Vantas Luveris Glotrif Simponi Revatio Copegus...