Resource for Pharmacy led COVID19 Vaccination Dispensing | ICPhA

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Martin Flynn
Martin Flynn's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 11/12/2020 - 13:53
Resource for Pharmacy led COVID19 Vaccination Dispensing

Hello All, my name is Martin Flynn from a companyy called Nitram Networks Ltd Based in Galway. We provide an App based Appointment Mangement Booking software. 

As the rollout of a COVID19 vaccine is imminent it is obvious that Pharmacy led dispensing to support Health Centre/GP dispensing will be required to cope with potential demand.  The logistics of handing this demand for Pharmacies who do not have an online booking infrastructure in place may be extremely challenging. Part of this challenge is to provide Service Users, accessibility, availability, and convenience of a simple to use online booking facility. Our software called "OK Who's Next? is that facility, where Pharmacies can set up in minutes and immediately take appointments for vaccinations as well as other services offered. Appointments can be booked in seconds saving Pharmacies, time money and effort in mananging their appointments.

As workers and managers in Pharmacies we would be very interested to hear from you what are your expected challenges in the rollout of Vaccinations at Pharmary level. All communication is anyomised and we only use to improve our platform even further. 

Also if your pharmacy would like a bit more detial of how our solution can solve this issue for you we'd love to hear from you too.

contact [email protected]

