Universal Rx form | ICPhA

Universal Rx form

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squarepeg's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
Joined: 14/01/2017 - 04:36
Universal Rx form

How amazing would it be if there was a single universal Rx form for all schemes/GPs/doctors/hospitals, with perhaps just minor variations such as colours for GMS v private v high-tech v LTI v nurses?

I know that the electronic prescribing has started now, but it could be a while before it completely replaces the traditional hand scribbled format.

There was a survey in the pharmacists FB support group on this subject not too long ago and if I remember correctly there was virtually universal support for the idea. I think if enough of us got together and put some pressure to bear in the right places, perhaps we could get something started.

I mean, it's become ridiculously regular to receive reports of forged Rxs. So if for no other reason, surely that's enough of an incentive to bring in this change.