In March 2017 the PSI will host a further six information events aimed to support you in completing the new Pharmacy Assessment System. Like the events held in October and November, these will offer practical advice about using the Assessment System.
Registration to attend the information events in Ballina, Cavan, Dublin, Kilkenny, Killarney and Limerick is now open. Please note that places at each event are limited, so you are advised to book in advance.
The events will take the form of short presentations, question and answer sessions and there will be an opportunity to speak with PSI staff at the end of the evening. Each event should last approximately 1.5 hours. Tea/coffee will be provided.
In addition to the information events, from February 2017, PSI inspectors will visit pharmacies to check that the Pharmacy Assessment System is being completed and to answer any questions that you might have about it.
A presentation and other resources are available on the PSI website, and you can also email the PSI at [email protected] if you have any questions ion relation to the new assessment system.