The IIOP is currently seeking expressions of interest from registered pharmacists who would like to be considered for involvement in the ongoing development and delivery of the IIOP ePortfolio Review.
About ePortfolio Review
The CPD legislation requires that pharmacists who are three or more years qualified will be selected once every five years for ePortfolio review.
Whilst the ePortfolio review is undertaken by the IIOP, the process is peer led and operates with extensive input from the profession. Pharmacists representing a range of different practice areas from all over Ireland have already been involved. There are two peer groups involved in the review process. One group of pharmacists are responsible for setting the standards for the review, in line with what they feel to be fair and achievable. Another group participate as peer reviewers, and receive training on how to objectively review CPD cycles against the standards for the review.
The whole process is underpinned by robust quality assurance processes, which have been approved by the council of the PSI, to ensure that the review is fair and balanced.
The IIOP is now seeking pharmacists to express interest in participating in one of these groups for future ePortfolio reviews.
A. Standard Setting Group (SSG)
What does this role involve?
The Standard Setting Group (SSG) develops the standards for the ePortfolio review, taking into account:
the legislative requirements
what would reasonably and practically indicate appropriate CPD engagement
feedback from previous reviews
what can be objectively reviewed by peer reviewers
the feasibility for the IIOP to facilitate attainment and review of the desired standards
Involvement in this group would require attendance at a daylong meeting held in Dublin in June, and review of materials via email. Participants will receive an honorarium for their attendance at the meeting and reimbursed for any travel/accommodation expenses incurred.
Who should participate as a member of the Standard Setting Group?
The IIOPs aim is that this group is as representative of the profession as possible, therefore it is important that pharmacists from all practice areas are included, e.g. hospital, community, industry, regulation, education etc. Ideally the group would also include pharmacists of mixed age and IT ability. No expertise in CPD or the use of technology is required.
Feedback from previous members
‘…it was a very positive and enjoyable experience…’
‘…pleasant surroundings, cordial atmosphere, great networking opportunities and a satisfactory conclusion…’
B. Peer Reviewer Group
What does this role involve?
Peer reviewers are responsible for reviewing ePortfolio extracts against the standards for the ePortfolio review, and provide an important support role which is integral to the key objective of professional development. They provide feedback to pharmacists to enable them to meet the standards for review.
Peer reviewers for the 2017/18 review will participate in training and standardisation in the autumn of 2017. This will comprise an online training element and attendance at a two day standardisation meeting in Dublin.
In February and March 2018, the peer reviewers will receive ePortfolio extracts to review; therefore pharmacists expressing interest should be available to undertake reviews during these months. Timelines for reviews are clearly communicated in advance. On completion of the ePortfolio review process, the group will reconvene to provide feedback on the review in the interest of quality improvement going forward. Feedback may be provided through participation in focus groups, evaluation questionnaires, etc.
Similar timelines will operate in future years of the ePortfolio review process.
Peer reviewers will be paid for their attendance at the standardisation meeting and for any travel/accommodation expenses incurred. Reviewers are paid per review according to the agreed rate of remuneration.
Who should participate as a peer reviewer?
The peer reviewer group should comprise of pharmacists from a variety of practice areas, ideally with experience and/or expertise in objective assessment against a defined set of standards. However, whilst this is an advantage, it is not an absolute requirement as training will be provided. Please include any supporting information in your application.
Feedback from previous members
‘…a really excellent workshop, very professionally run and with great input from IIOP team…’
‘…many thanks to for a very well presented, hugely informative and inspiring day last week. I came away enlightened and confident and thoroughly enjoyed meeting some new faces while catching up with many others…..’
How can this help me?
Pharmacists that are already participating in the development and delivery of ePortfolio review have told us that there are many advantages in getting involved. These include:
Opportunity to influence your profession
Meet with colleagues with similar interests and develop your network
Receive training which will help with your own CPD
Help you to identify potentially new areas of interest
Great addition to the CV!
How do I get involved?
Pharmacists who wish to express interest should complete this online form by 9th April 2017. The IIOP will create a list of pharmacists who express interest and identify pharmacists to approach from this list as opportunities for involvement arise.