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  • Pharmacy mistakes - CBC Investigates

    Here's a very interesting report from Canada's CBC TV programme, showing that we seem to be facing very similar challenges in Ireland as our North American colleagues do in Canada.  
  • PSI - Learning from Fitness to Practise Inquiries (Enbrel)

    We all received the PSI newsletter this morning and with it a shocking case of poor professional practice. The Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) heard a complaint in which a patient had been supplied with the High Tech medicine Enbrel® (etanercept) 50mg solution for injection, without a valid...
  • Pharmacists in US stand up for better working conditions

    "Ambitious legislation in the Illinois House would restrict the hours pharmacists can work each day, limit the number of prescriptions they can fill each hour, require break time during their shifts and provide whistleblower protection if they expose safety problems." "The measure represents one of...
  • IPU Membership Fee Hike

    IPU have increased their employee membership fee by a very significant 25% from €245 for last year to €307.50 for 2017.
  • HSE Circular 063/16 - HT Arrangements under DPS

    In its circular dated 22nd December 2016, the HSE informed pharmacists that in the rare event of a High-Tech medicine costing under €144 for a month's supply and dispensed under the DPS scheme, the patient should be charged the cost price of the medicine only, while paying in the normal way for any...
  • Azalia® 75mcg now GMS Reimburseable

    Consilient Health Ireland have announced that Azalia® 75mcg desogestrel has become available on the GMS Reimbursement Scheme from 1st January 2017. Azalia® will be reimbursed at €7.47 for three months’ supply. Azalia® contains the same active ingredient as Cerazette® and is a high quality cost...
  • PSI Pharmacy Assessment Information Events

    In March 2017 the PSI will host a further six information events aimed to support you in completing the new Pharmacy Assessment System. Like the events held in October and November, these will offer practical advice about using the Assessment System.   Registration to attend the information...
  • IPU Academy Spring Programme Launched

    The IPU Academy Spring Programme is starting on Monday 13th February with five interesting and current topics at venues nationwide. Click here to book online.
  • HSE PCRS Inspections

    IPU reports that the PCRS is carrying out an increasing number of inspections of pharmacies. Some inspections are announced while others are unannounced. You may be notified the day before that the PCRS is looking at a specific item such as High Tech Medicines or they may look at all aspects of the...
  • VAT on Vitamins & Food Supplements

    One supplier of vitamins and food supplements recently sent a letter to pharmacies regarding the VAT rate on vitamins and food supplements, referring to the Revenue Commissioner’s rules on these products. IPU are reviewing the correct VAT rates at present and will include any updates in the...